Elliott Heads State School has chosen to implement a wellbeing program called the
BRIDGE BUILDERS® Online Program and to make it available to staff and students. This Program is designed to help students with resolving everyday conflict and to reduce bullying, and will be implemented during the course of each year with students accessing material both during class, and outside of class time. The material includes videos, games, audio content and quizzes.
The BRIDGE BUILDERS® Online Program teaches life skills and helps students to be resilient and equipped with understanding, strategies and language to resolve everyday problems, get help and let go of grudges. When students are empowered with these skills they are able to feel safer, happier, more connected and be more successful learners at school and into their future.
The BRIDGE BUILDERS® Program provides understanding, skills and a common language that teaches resilience and constructive, positive approaches to respond to conflict or bullying. It is a whole-school community program that equips all adults to empower children with strategies to use in situations where conflict or bullying cause disconnection. The skills in this program directly link to the HPE National Curriculum and the Personal and Social General Capabilities that are embedded into all Key Learning Areas.
Elliott Heads State School implement the Pause Program
Pause is a program which is specifically designed to deliver improvements in teacher wellbeing as a direct result of students being able to emotionally self-regulate their behaviour.
The Pause program is implemented through processes which involve staff, students' and parents learning about Neuroscience, Mindfulness and Positive Education. Teachers implement Pause in their classroom through a set of lessons which are delivered in a similar manner to the lessons associated with the Department of Education Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL).
The Pause pedagogy requires teachers to teach using the interdependencies of the Essential Skills of Classroom Management (ESCMs), the observations of specific student behaviours, in combination with their knowledge of neuroscience and the Six Pause behaviours in order for them to cue students effectively with automaticity.
In learning how to emotionally self-regulate their behaviour, students can improve their capability to learn and better achieve their individual learning goals while at school. When students are better able to self-regulate their own behaviour and understand why other students may misbehave, this creates a classroom environment which facilitates teacher well-being.